Orit Israelson: What I learned in 4 years

, von Ekkehart Schmidt

Bei der Preisverleihung "etikamera 2019" am 7. Januar 2020 hielt die Fotografin Orit Israelson (Foto: Flavie Hengen) eine kurze Rede, in der sie aus persönlicher sicht das besondere des Projekts beschreibt. Diese Rede – gekürzt um die Einführung und den Dank am Schluss, wollen wir Ihnen nicht vorenthalten.

« My story is based on 4 years participating in Etikamera. I started it with a workshop with the Etika team and Carole Reckinger, the photographer who explained what is storytelling, what to look for, what to emphasize, what are the aims of the exhibition and what etika expects from the photographers.

The first year I chose to photograph the organic farm of Isabelle Stoltz and Philippe Matgé. With my low level of french that I had back then and my English I communicated with them, I photographed them, the farm, the chickens and the cows. One day, I was deeply concentrated on taking photos of some cows. At some point, when I put down the camera I realized that the cows are coming toward me. I remember running away from the cows, running quickly to the fence, to go out from the field. It was so scary.

Thanks to participating in these projects, I got to know better the Luxembourgish people, and learning about the culture. And now that I am learning the language I can even practice with them. Also, It gave me the opportunity to know the country, and to see how beautiful it is. I drove to Remerschen, Mondorf-les-Bains, Dondelange, and more.

In addition, I discovered the values of Luxembourg, for example through projects like ProActif which I documente for this exhibition. ProActif help people who have difficulties finding a job and give them a better chance to reintegrate in our society. Or Seabiscuit and Yolande Coop who give mentally handicapped people the opportunity to work and earn money for a living.

The value of determination, I found in Caves Sunnen-Hoffmann by Corinne and her brother Yves. For example when the summer was cold 2 years ago and the crops were hit by the cold, they kept cultivating the land. Their connection to the land exists for 5 generations and now Corinne’s daughter is joining too.

I also photographed Bio haff Clees, they grow vegetables and more. You can find them in the market at plaza Guillaume. I felt very connected to their story since my father Yakov Nissim was also a farmer in Israel. »

Artikel vom 3. Februar 2020