etika - Initiativ fir Alternativ Finanzéierung asbl, ATTAC Luxembourg, la Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, vous invitent à
Allemagne 2018 | vostang | 96’ | c | Documentaire de : Florian Opitz
Politicians, economists and the media are obsessed with economic growth. But why do we still cling to this concept ? Clearly it is impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet.
In "System Error", award-winning director Florian Opitz examines the fundamentals of capitalism. He reveals unexpected correlations and lays bare the pathological nature of the current system. He also examines the continuing impact of Karl Marx as an analyst of capitalism.
Filmed in Brazil, China, Germany, the U.K and the U.S.A, "System Error" gives a fresh perspective on the capitalist system and where it is leading us.
"You can have fun in this film, but also clench your fist in your pocket with bewilderment. As before, Opitz acts as an original, unagitated observer of Western contemporary phenomena and their global effects (…)." (Kölner Stadt Anzeiger)
Dieser Film ist das Richtige für alle, die nicht genug bekommen. Stern
"Perfekt bebildert, was jeder schon weiß" Ulrike Herrmann, Wirtschaftsredakteurin der Tageszeitung „taz
SWR DOKU FESTIVAL 2018 - Winner of the STZ Leserjury Prize
La projection sera suivie d’une discussion sur l’influence majeure du capitalisme financier actuel sur le dérangement climatique, notre alimentation, nos démocraties et les droits humains mais aussi sur les alternatives à lui apporter tels que la réforme du système financier global ou la création de banques coopératives d’initiative citoyenne.
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